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حمامة مروحية الذيل الهندية – Indian Fantail

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حمامة مروحية الذيل الهندية – Indian Fantail


الاسم بالعربي : حمامة مروحية الذيل الهندية – انديان فانتيل
الاسم بلفرنسي : Queue de Paon indien
الاسم بالالماني : Indische Pfautaube
الاسم بالانجليزي : Indian Fantail


بلد المشأ : الهند
الحلق الفيدرالية او الخاتم : 2


الوصف : حمامة الرقاص الهندي لها جسم قوي وصدر مرفوع قليلا" ويتميز راسها بزينة تتمثل في وجود عرف في اعلى الجمجمة والارجل مكسوة باعداد قليلة من الريش وتتميز هذه السلالة بمروجة اصغر تاخذ شكل القمع من مروحة السلالة ( مروحية الذيل الامريكية الفانتيل ).


الالوان: تتميز بجميع الالوان الرئيسية الخالصة تقريبا وعلامة الدرع في بعض الانواع والبعض معلمة الذيل.



Indian Fantail


The Indian Fantail is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. Indian Fantails, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons are all descendants from the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia)


The introduction of this variety to the U.S.A. was a strange one. In 1926. A shipment of four pythons was on its way to the San Diego Zoo in California from India. The journey over seas lasted many days and to ensure the reptiles didn’t go hungry, Indian fantail pigeons, found exclusively in India until then, were given to the pythons as snake feed.


By the time the ship reached California, only two survived.


The keepers at the San Diego Zoo who had obviously never seen Indian fantail pigeons before were so taken by their distinct looks that they decided to keep, and later breed and develop them. It was from these two lucky birds that the species of Indian fantail pigeons spread beyond Indian shores and reached the farthest corners of the world


The Indian Fantail pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon. The Indian Fantail doves originated in India. These birds are well known for their beauty. Their fan shaped tail makes them different from other pigeon breeds. They are bigger in size than the English fantail pigeon. The Indian fantail doves are also known as homing doves. People usually keep these pigeons because they make the beauty of their home. They do give eggs in similar pattern as other pigeons do. Usually gives birth to 2 or 3 baby doves at a time. These baby doves takes at least 4 to 6 weeks to fly and leave their home. Usually a breeding pair can lay eggs around or after 21 days from the first hatch. Indian Fantail pigeons are most commonly white with light tan spots, although breeders have introduced more new colours. They have a fan-shaped tail and their feet are covered in feathers. Their average weight is 13 ounces (369 g) and their average length is 11 inches (28 cm). It is interesting to note that the birds walk on their toes. The chest is carried upright so that it is higher than the bird’s head, which rests back on the cushion formed by the tail feathers


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